Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Rick Medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Greg T. Walker Vocals

Jakson Spires Vocal

Rick Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Greg T. Walker Bass
Acoustic Bass

Jakson Spires Drums
Ah let me tell you all ab-out it Oh I\'m just a gam-bler Oh ba-by a to-tal mid-night ram-bler yes I,ve seen it all from the gut-ter to the fan-cy liq-uor halls but it\'s a not-her spin of the bot-tle lord to burn out the nig-h-t and a-t the end of the tun-ne-l think I can see the light cause I\'m a reck-less a ba-an-do-n-e-r and I live my li-i-f-e like a son of a gu-u-u-n oh a reck-less a-a ban-don-ne-e-er oh oh oh and I live my li-fe for you Yes pick up the pie-ces mm in my li-fe I start it ov-er again and I\'m glad I had my mu-sic for my-se-lf through this thick and thin but it\'s a not-her spin of the bo-o-tt-le oh to burn the night and at the end of the tun-n-el think I can see the light light oh yes the light cause I\'m a reck-less a ba-an-do-n-e-r and I live my li-i-f-e like a son of a gu-u-u-u-u-n oh a reck-less a-a ban-don-ne-e-er oh oh oh and I live my li-fe for you ye-e-s I live my li-fe for yo-o-ou for all of you oh yeah Well Tied up my boot lace Oh oh oh I fin-ish my last drink and I wipe the sweat off my nasty br-o-ow I spit my blood up in the sink but it nev-er gets so b-a-d that you cant stand the pain and the on-ly good rea-son that I can think o-f is to sing this song for you again but it\'s a not-her spin of the bo-ttle oh to bu-rn the n-i-i-g-h-t and at the end of the tun-n-el think I can see the light light oh yes the light cause I\'m a reck-less a ba-an-do-n-e-r and I live my li-i-f-e like a son of a gu-u-u-u-u-n oh a reck-less a-a ban-don-ne-e-e-r oh oh oh and I live my li-i-fe for yo-ou oh-oh ba-by I li-ve my life for yo-o-u oh I live my li-f-e for yo-ou for all of you I live my li-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-fe for all of you